keraGEN-IV® promotes and protects the health of hair, skin and nails.

Keratin is a structural protein (as is collagen) and it is an essential constituent for healthy skin, hair and nails. Collagen is the dietary fuel proving correctly structured amino acids: keraGEN-IV® is the spark plug for this fuel, converting dietary collagen as well as other peptides and amino acids to the correct forms of collagen to enhance your inner beauty regime.

keraGEN-IV® works synergistically with dietary collagen to boost the body’s ability to produce the right structural proteins to repair wrinkles and strengthen hair follicles and nails. This is achieved by activating skin cells with the right nutritional input to specifically make collagen IV and collagen VII, the binding proteins that join the dermal and epidermal layers essential for smooth, wrinkle free skin as well as anchoring hair follicles into the scalp.

As a result of the highest natural abundance of sulfur amino acids keraGEN-IV® has also been shown to:

keraGEN-IV® promotes

keraGEN-IV® reduces